United Fund of Surry Exceeds Campaign Goal

(Mount Airy, NC) United Fund of Surry had hoped to raise a half million dollars during this year’s campaign, but they have already exceeded that goal with time to spare. “Our current total for donations is just over $515,000, and that number will grow as we hear from a handful of companies who have just completed their workplace campaign,” said Melissa Hiatt, executive director of United Fund of Surry. “We are so thrilled that Surry County residents and businesses have come through in such a big way, and their generosity will allow us to continue to support the member agencies who help our neighbors in need.” The United Fund of Surry supports 26 member agencies, who assist more than 29,000 residents of Surry County.

 “Each year the cost of doing business increases for our member agencies, and that means they need increasing financial support from the United Fund of Surry.  I’m glad that we can continue that support,” said Hiatt. 

The mission of United Fund of Surry is to strengthen and serve the community by helping to meet the needs of our neighbors. We strive to make our community a healthy, happier, safer place to live for people of all ages,” said Hiatt. 


  For more information visit www.unitedfundofsurry.org


United Fund of Surry is Closing in on Campaign Goal


United Fund of Surry Honors Community Partners